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Batut Institute issues an orange health warning: Weather will be dangerous in five cities

The Institute for Public Health of Serbia „Dr Milan Jovanović Batut“ has issued a new biometeorological forecast, according to which the weather in Serbia will be dangerous for health on Sunday, June 30th. Therefore, an orange alarm has been activated.

Five categories of population at risk

According to the explanation, there may be heat stress, and five categories of the population are at risk – small children, pregnant women, elderly people, chronically ill patients, and people with skin problems. It was announced that the alarm will also be activated on Saturday. Namely, a yellow alarm will be activated in Zrenjanin, where the maximum temperature will be 32 degrees, with potentially dangerous weather conditions.

Orange alert level

As stated in the latest biometeorological forecast from „Batut,“ the orange alert level on Sunday has been activated in several cities, with the expected maximum temperature of 36 degrees in Loznica.

Batut Institute has divided its warning table into 4 colors – green, yellow, orange, and red. As long as the table is green, the weather is safe for health.

According to the table, the orange alert will be in place on Sunday in Belgrade, Kikinda, Zrenjanin, Loznica, and Valjevo.

When there are orange fields in the table, it means that risky weather is expected in those places.

Yellow alert level in the rest of Serbia

– Increased likelihood of various manifestations of heat stress, especially in sensitive population groups – small children, pregnant women, elderly people, chronically ill patients. People with a compromised integrity of all layers of skin tissue, or disrupted evaporation mechanism of accumulated heat (burns), are at particular risk – states Batut’s website.

In the rest of Serbia, specifically in most of the country, a yellow alert level has been activated, with a few remaining green areas, meaning there is no warning of danger to health. If the fields on the table are yellow, it indicates a potentially dangerous phenomenon.

Read our special text on how to protect yourself in such weather.

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