Lekari savetuju kako da prebrodimo toplotni talas

Milan Petrović avatar

Dr. Aleksandar Pajović, director of the Health Center in Čačak, says that during hot days it is important to consume plenty of fluids, primarily water and natural juices, as well as to regularly take appropriate therapy.

„Regular therapy should be taken, consume plenty of fluids, preferably water or natural juices such as lemonade. Avoid carbonated drinks and other liquids. Food should be light, with more fruits and vegetables, and avoid fatty and heavy foods,“ Pajović told Tanjug.

He points out that the most vulnerable groups are cardiovascular patients, individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and asthma patients, where muscle spasms and exacerbation of the underlying disease can occur.

He emphasized that high temperatures can change the viscosity of the blood, leading to the formation of blood clots, which can result in a stroke or heart attack.

„In cardiovascular patients, rhythm disturbances may occur. Patients with high blood pressure, hypertension, should pay attention, as high temperatures cause the widening of blood vessels and then the therapy should be moderated or possibly halved, and blood pressure should be controlled,“ Pajović said.

He recommended that activities be adjusted to early morning or evening hours, as well as staying in cooled areas or shaded areas outdoors.

„It is the time for swimming pools and bathing in rivers. It is very important not to enter the water abruptly because it can lead to cardiac arrest, but to cool down beforehand,“ Pajović concluded.

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