Nekadašnji košarkaš Cibone Kori Vilijams preminuo je u 47. godini od poslednica raka debelog creva, objavili su australijski mediji. Vilijams je krajem Marta ove godine javno obelodanio da se bori sa teškom bolešću i da će se boriti do kraja. Nakon perioda lečenja koji je uključivao i hiperbarične komore, nažalost, izgubio je bitku.
Kori Vilijams je bio član Cibone od 2008. godine, a svojevremeno je nastupao i za Golden Stejt u Letnjoj ligi 2007. godine. Nakon toga se preselio u Australiju, gde je postao poznat i ostvario uspehe, čak je bio i MVP tamošnjeg takmičenja.
Vilijams je imao bogatu karijeru, igrajući za različite klubove širom sveta. Pored Cibone, igrao je za timove poput Dakota Vizards, Bruklin Kings, Nju Džersi Flaers, Šole, Siuks Fols, Melburn Tajgers, Pirats, Mutahed od Tripoli i završio je karijeru u Libanu.
Australijska košarkaška zajednica žali za Vilijamsom, koji je bio poznat po nadimku „Homicide“ i smatran je jednim od najkarizmatičnijih likova i strastvenih zagovornika australijske košarke. Vilijams je ostavio dubok trag u košarkaškom svetu i cene se njegovi doprinosi razvoju ovog sporta.
Vilijamsova smrt je ostavila prazninu u svetu sporta, a kolege, prijatelji i navijači izražavaju saučešće i sećaju se njegovih dostignuća tokom karijere. Ostaje upamćen po svojoj strasti prema košarci, talentu i posvećenosti sportu.
Oproštaj od Kori Vilijamsa bio je tužan i emotivan trenutak za mnoge ljude u košarkaškom svetu i šire. Njegova smrt podsetila je sve na važnost prevencije i ranog otkrivanja bolesti poput raka debelog creva, te je važno da se ljudi redovno kontrolišu i brinu o svom zdravlju.
Kori Vilijams će zauvek ostati upamćen kao jedan od velikih imena košarke i sporta uopšte. Njegova strast, talent i predanost inspirisali su mnoge ljude širom sveta, a njegova nasledstvo će živeti kroz uspomene i priče o njegovim dostignućima.
Hoopsholics are mourning the passing of former Cibona basketball player Kori Williams. He passed away at the age of 47 after battling colon cancer. Williams publicly announced his diagnosis in March and vowed to fight until the end. Despite undergoing extensive treatments, including hyperbaric chambers, he ultimately lost the battle.
Williams joined Cibona in 2008 and also had a stint with the Golden State in the Summer League in 2007. He later moved to Australia, where he made a name for himself and even became the MVP of the local competition.
Throughout his career, Williams played for various teams around the world, including the Dakota Wizards, Brooklyn Kings, New Jersey Flyers, Suns, Sioux Falls, Melbourne Tigers, Pirates, Mutahed in Tripoli, and ended his career in Lebanon.
The Australian basketball community is mourning the loss of Corey ‘Homicide’ Williams, a colorful character and passionate advocate for Australian basketball. He was known for his charisma and dedication to the sport, leaving a significant impact on the basketball world.
Williams’ death has left a void in the sports world, with colleagues, friends, and fans expressing their condolences and remembering his contributions to the game. He will be remembered for his passion, talent, and commitment to basketball, inspiring many people around the world.
The farewell to Corey Williams was a somber and emotional moment for many in the basketball world and beyond. His death serves as a reminder of the importance of prevention and early detection of diseases like colon cancer, highlighting the need for regular check-ups and taking care of one’s health.
Corey Williams will forever be remembered as a great figure in basketball and sports in general. His passion, talent, and dedication have inspired many people worldwide, and his legacy will live on through memories and stories of his achievements.