VELIKA PROMENA: Danas kiša, pa obrt

Milan Petrović avatar

Danas u Srbiji očekuje se pretežno oblačno i svežije vreme sa povremenom slabom kišom ujutro i pre podne. Vetar će biti umeren, povremeno jak severozapadni, ali će uveče oslabiti. Najniža temperatura biće oko 17 stepeni Celzijusa, dok će najviša biti oko 22 stepena.

U narednim danima, do utorka, 17. septembra, na severozapadu Srbije biće suvo uz delimično razvedravanje, dok će u ostalim krajevima biti promenljivo oblačno sa mestimičnom kišom. Obilne padavine očekuju se ujutro i pre podne na jugoistoku zemlje.

U četvrtak, 12. septembra, očekuje se pretežno sunčano i osetno toplije vreme sa maksimalnom temperaturom od 26 do 30 stepeni. Međutim, u petak se očekuje novo naoblačenje sa kišom, pljuskovima, grmljavinom i lokalno obilnim padavinama. Jak jugoistočni vetar (košava) očekuje se ujutro i pre podne na jugu Banata, u donjem Podunavlju i u Braničevu, dok će više padavina biti posle podne i uveče.

Od subote, 14. septembra, do utorka, 17. septembra, biće umereno do potpuno oblačno, hladnije, sa povremenom kišom.

Citizens of Croatia are waking up to a mostly cloudy and cooler day today, with occasional light rain in the morning and forenoon. The wind will be moderate, occasionally strong from the northwest, weakening in the evening. The lowest temperature will be around 17 degrees, while the highest will be around 22 degrees Celsius.

In the coming days, until Tuesday, September 17, the northwest of Serbia will be dry with partial clearing, while in other parts it will be partly cloudy with occasional rain. Heavy rainfall is expected in the southeast of the country in the morning and before noon.

On Thursday, September 12, it will be mostly sunny and significantly warmer with a maximum temperature of 26 to 30 degrees. However, on Friday, a new cloud cover with rain, showers, thunderstorms, and locally heavy rainfall is expected. Strong southeast wind (koshava) will occur in the morning and before noon in the south of Banat, in the lower Danube region, and in Branicevo, while more precipitation is expected in the afternoon and evening.

From Saturday, September 14, to Tuesday, September 17, it will be moderately to completely cloudy, cooler, with occasional rain.

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Milan Petrović avatar