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Miroslav „Miša“ Lojančić (67), a pensioner from Belgrade, has built an impressive model of a galleon, a 17th-century trading ship with cannons, replica of the ship „San Đovani Batista“ (St. John the Baptist). This model, which is 85 cm long and high, is made up of thousands of tiny parts and today adorns the display case in his family home. He spent five years working on this project and says that he has received incredible offers from collectors, but he hasn’t sold it.

His love for ships began in his early youth, as he spent the best years of his life on the Sava and Danube rivers, observing rafts and ships. At one point in his life, he even lived on a raft for a full 17 years in Makiš on the Sava.

Upon retirement, he decided to pursue his passion for model ships as a way to relax and unwind after the stress of his previous job. He was a dispatcher at the EPS call center and also coordinated field teams, which was often a very demanding job.

He got the idea to build a replica of a trading-warship from the 17th century by chance while buying newspapers. He saw a magazine at the kiosk that offered a ship model as an added bonus. For two years, he collected the weekly issues and a total of 100 of them. When he started assembling the model, he realized the seriousness and beauty of the endeavor he had begun.

According to Miša, with patience and attention to detail, anyone can undertake such a project. He struggled the most with the sails, as it was very difficult to thread the ropes through tiny holes. In addition to patience, a few tools such as tweezers, sewing needles, and the like were needed. He completed the galleon with breaks over the course of five years, and was surprised by the value of such a model in the collector’s market when he finished it. While he received offers for it, he has decided to keep it in his glass display case for now.

Model galleons on the market range from a few hundred euros to several thousand for the rare ones that have collector’s and antique value. The „San Đovani Batista“ was built in the 17th century and was used for transporting goods, but it was also equipped with cannons for protection against pirates. It is considered one of the most beautiful warships of its time.

Miša’s passion and dedication to this model ship have turned it into a valuable work of art, representing the rich history of shipbuilding and maritime trade. His attention to detail and perseverance are evident in the finished product, and it continues to be a source of pride and joy for him. His story is an inspiration for all hobbyists and model enthusiasts, showing that with patience and dedication, even the most intricate projects can be completed to stunning effect.

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