Prodaje se jedinstveni, ali i najčudniji BMW M6 na Balkanu

Milan Petrović avatar

Auto-enthusiasts are a special kind of people. They pay a lot of attention to their cars, and some of them are willing to take on real challenges and sometimes go overboard with modifications.

One owner of a BMW 6 series from Bulgaria has listed his beloved car, a 2007 BMW M6, on eBay which he reportedly transformed beyond recognition. In the world of tuning, this is called „extreme tuning“.
These two words definitely suit this orange creation because even at first, or any subsequent glance, it is impossible to tell that this is actually a BMW M6 coupe. He really put in the effort.
The listing states that this is a unique handmade masterpiece with 507 horsepower of special appearance and color. The owner also added a description stating that this 17-year-old car has a new 5.0-liter V10 naturally aspirated S85 engine and a manual transmission, as well as a complete service history.
The name of this four-year project is „Citrine“, designed by Todor Nachev and Plamen Banov. The asking price is interesting as well. The seller is asking for $460,000, but states that he is willing to negotiate for a lower price, as reported by „Jutarnji“.
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